Collection class hierarchy


This document describes the overall class hierarchy for physical collections.  This includes liquids, stacks (such as a stack of arrows or coins), bags containing other items, etc.  The exact methods may change slightly in the future as the design is put to test, but I have implemented most of these classes and the overall design seems to work well.

Collection (extends Thing)

This is the abstract superclass for all Things that represent a collection of other Things.  The main method here is: This is not to be confused with ContainerNode.countChildren().  The difference is that getItemCount() will only count the items that are considered to be inside this collection, i.e not Effects.  countChildren() will count all container hierarchy children, which includes Effects.

getWeight() and getBulk() (overidden from Thing) will return the weight and bulk of the collection as a whole, i.e including the contained items.

AnonymousCollection (extends Collection)

This is a collection which does not individually keep track of each item inside - for example a Liquid or CoinStack.  In a CoinStack we don't want each coin to be an independent object instance (imagine a stack of 30000 coins...).  The main methods are: So it is anonymous in the sense that you don't actually add individual item instances - you just use integer values to specify how much to add or remove.  The integer value could represent single items (like for coins or pebbles), mass (for liquids), doses, or whatever.

An AnonymousCollection will disappear when all items have been removed - so you cannot have an AnonymousCollection with itemCount = 0.

CoinStack (extends AnonymousCollection)

This may just as well be called Money.  It represents a set of 1 or more coins.  Later on I might refine this to include different types of coins.  If you have a CoinStack in your bag and insert another CoinStack, they will be merged together -this is to simplify the handling of coins.

Liquid (extends AnonymousCollection)

Liquids are special in that they can be "poured out".  There will be a special class or interface called LiquidContainer (or something like that), and a Liquid must be placed in a LiquidContainer or it will disappear.  So if you pour out your water on the table, the water will be lost.  LiquidContainer will also include methods for determine possible leakage and stuff like that.

I may add a subclass called MixedLiquid which is what you get when you pour two Liquids into the same LiquidContainer.  A MixedLiquid keeps track of the proportions of each liquid included, or may in some cases turn into a new Liquid.  This is fun - it allows us to make a whole alchemy system, where you can mix stuff together in the right proportions to create special potions :o)

IndividualCollection (extends Collection)

This is a collection which tracks each contained item individually, and doesn't just bunch everything together as one integer value.  It's main method is: This method returns all children of type Thing or Creature.  The normal ContainerNode methods addChild(...) and removeChild(...) are used to add and remove items to the collection.

SingleTypeCollection (extends IndividualCollection)

This is a collection of items of a specific type.  The desired type is specified in the constructor, for example orb.things.Arrow.class.  So this is essentially a "stack".

It does not add any new methods, but overrides a few methods to make sure that only items of the given type can be added.  A SingleTypeCollection must have a size of at least 2, and will disappear if smaller.

Note the difference here between a stack of arrows (being a SingleTypeCollection) and a stack of coins (being an AnonymousCollection).  The arrows are tracked seperately, and the SingleTypeCollection is like an invisible "shell" around them that allows them to be manipulated together as a single item.  So if one arrow is magical and you add it into a bunch of other arrows, it will still be magical when it comes (i.e not "mixed up" with the others).

The coin stack, however, is really not a collection - it is more like an item in itself (it does not contain any other items, in reality).  If you have a coin stack of size 2, and split it up, then it will become two CoinStacks of size 1 (although the icon will look like a single coin of course).  If you do the same with an arrow stack of size 2, however, you will end up with two Arrows, and no collection at all.

Likewise, if you put two coins together into a stack then one item will disappear (i.e one of the CoinStacks).  If you put two arrows together into a stack, one item will be created (the SingleTypeCollection)!
It is important to understand the difference between an AnonymousCollection and an IndividualCollection.

Container (extends IndividualCollection)

This is the superclass for all physical container items such as bags, chests, closets, etc.  It adds physical constraints of the container itself, i.e the bulk and weight of the container itself, and the maximum bulk and weight that the container can hold.  It's main methods are: getWeight() is the total weight of the container plus contents.  getInsideWeight() is the weight of the contents of this container.  getContainerWeight() is the weight of the container itself.  getMaxWeight() is the maximum inside weight allowed.

Henrik Kniberg

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